What would happen if the world were to start running out of oil? Conventional wisdom says we’ve got 30 years, but there’s a growing fear amongst petroleum experts it’s happening much sooner than we thought – that we are hitting the beginning of the end of oil now. So how soon will the oil run out, and can we stop our economy collapsing when it does? How prepared are we for the real oil crisis?
What about food crisis prior to it? (food/oil crisis)
"The World Bank estimates that food prices have risen by an average of 83 percent in the past three years, though for some staples the rises have been even sharper. A range of factors has been blamed, including poor harvests, partly due to climate change, steep growth in demand from China and India, and the dash to produce biofuels for motoring at the expense of food crops," reports the Guardian.
Are potatoes the answer to rice and grain shortages? It's not yet clear. But it is clear that to our list of worries, which already includes energy security, homeland security, and economic security, we must add "food security."
Food and Energy Crisis:
The developed world has had a higher standard of living that has been heavily dependent on fossil fuel/nuclear energy.This dependency is endangering the fragile ecosystems of the planet by the rapid increase in co2 emissions and the long-term dangers of radioactivity.Biofuels are an option but they should not be at the expense of the natural rainforests or use acreage that would normally grow food crops.
Surely the answer is sustainable and enviromentally considerate economies rather than a world trade system that encourages governments that seem keen to maximise economic growth whilst at the same time centralising their power and promoting the oil and nuclear industries .Wind,solar and tidal energy are clean and limitless and can be harnessed by technology that is increasingly efficient and enviromentally harmless. Organic farming is good for the enviroment and good for our health and does not rely on the chemical industy for artificial fertilisers and pesticides.
There is plenty of space for the people of this world to live peacefully with limitless and almost free energy. The powerful oil and nuclear lobbies can either use their considerable resources to invest in renewables or else stand aside whilst people decide to become energy self-sufficient on resources that cannot be controlled by governments or corporations. (T.Cole)